Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Note to readers

My apologies for being so absent in posting on my blog. If you were a faithful reader, you have probable decided to stop checking for a new post. If you have come across this blog from another site, then stick around and let me know what you think.

Honestly, I have not written for two reasons. One, I have been very busy with family matters and school. As you probably know, August is a difficult month to accomplish anything other than adjustment and new beginnings. For me personally, it means a new semester, another year of marriage (just celebrated 3 years Aug. 20), new employees who start at work, and a host of other minor details. Needless to say, things mount up quickly. The other reason I have not written is because I was thinking of some topics to discuss. I now have some topics that should keep me, and hopefully you, busy for the month of September and October. Soooo, if you have waited, then wait no further. I am ready once again to take up my sword (keyboard) and deliver my thoughts to you.
So, as always, Think on That!

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