Thursday, March 20, 2008

Decline of the Modern Generation

I am amazed at the moral decline in which this previous generation has ascended too. In the name of freedom and equality, individualism rears its ugly head. Usually, this is the symptom of Western thinking. However, haven't these ideas always been present within the human race? What then, is the cause of moral decline in the Modern Generation? The answer to that would seem to have various answers. Maybe even different facets of one foundational proposition. I would equate the decline of the modern generation to the smorgasboard of idealism. What I mean is that the foundation of truth, that which is objective based on revelation and reason has been substituted for subjective ideologies that are based within reason and emotionalism. Thus, people base their morality upon what makes sense to them. However, usually what makes sense to people is what makes them feel good. Our world is quickly becoming a cess-pool of relativism where the going trend's (yes, it is plural) of truth last about as long as a Hollywood marriage or a lever pull at a slot machine in Vegas. Therefore, what is right, good, and true is relative to every individual in any situation based upon emotion, subjective justice, and chance. But what, you might ask, is your answer to this 'Decline of the Modern Generation'. That answer shall be put on the next post.

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