Friday, March 21, 2008

Last time, which was yesterday, I published an entry on the 'Decline of the Modern Generation'. This is the follow up to that post. The purpose of this entry for today is on what I believe are the symptoms of the moral decline in our generation

The first symptom of our generations' moral decline is individualism. Now, I understand that individualism can be a good thing. Even people who have a communal perspective have the tendency to decline in their morality. However, in America the idea of individualism has become even greater. It pushes the envelope upon the smaller man. It forces us to say, "If your in my way, then get out of the way". Individualism leads to self-centerdness, which leads to arrogance, that in tail leads to pride, and finally will end up in destruction. Individualism is not a bad thing IF you let it produce in you an understanding that you are unique as a person. However, if you think your uniqueness entitles you to bigger and greater things in life, you have been sorely mistaken.

Another symptom is our generation's sense of truth. Truth, if that is even a proper concept for some people, is about as real to some people as flying pigs. Truth is a concept that has become relative to people today. Some claim that since nothing can be known for sure, then truth must be relative to the situation and the person in that situation. Others may say that truth is a waste of time! What matters is progress. Economical progress, national progress, world progress become the rallying cry for those disinterested in the 'petty things of life'. Of course, they are petty until you are sued and find yourself in a courtroom wondering if all the money you have would be expendable for one inkling of truth. And yet, another group of people may say, 'whats true for me may not be exactly true for you'. I would then ask, what's true for you? I think that if they admit that something is true, at least they are claiming that some truth exist. The problem would be to determine if what they hold to be true is actually true, or mere opinion. I could even put their truth to test to see if it is true. However, I am afraid that what will inevitably happen is that the person will be convinced that their truth is real. Thus, they will exchange in pride and arrogance a position they really hold in ignorance. And then they have their reward. What they believe is true because of their pride is actually false because of their stupidity. Therefore, they contribute to moral decline because they hold false ideals to be true and spread their ignorance throughout the world.

That is enough for today. I hope I have given you some things to chew on. I will post a conclusion to this entry tomorrow.

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